High Performance Dash Receiver Render

High Performance Dash Receiver Render

Johnstone's Trade Stormshield High Performance Dash Receiver Render is a through-coloured basecoat with excellent workability and improved open-time properties for applying dashing aggregates. Suitable for use only as part of a render or external wall insulation system, our Stormshield High Performance Dash Receiver Render covers approximately 2.6 metres squared per bag at 6mm thick, and sets within 24 hours under normal drying conditions. The dash render product should be applied over a suitably prepared Johnstone's Trade Stormshield High Performance Render Basecoat, and is supplied in 25kg sacks.

Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
High performance basecoat
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Available in 14 colours
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Cement Based
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
EWI - 10 KG/M2

Top Tips

Johnstones Trade Paint

Mix to a creamy consistency



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