High Flexibility Render Basecoat

High Flexibility Render Basecoat

Johnstone’s Trade Stormshield High Flexibility Render Basecoat is a cement-based, polymer-enhanced formulation developed to offer high levels of flexibility and adhesion for interior and exterior surfaces. It should be applied directly to compatible and suitably prepared render carrier boards – technical advice should be sought to find compatible boards before work begins. The basecoat, which is supplied in 25kg sacks, is designed to offer flexibility and resist cracking, but should be applied in the conditions specified in the product data sheet for best results.

Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Blockwork / Brickwork
Cement particle board
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Cement Based
Johnstones Trade Paint
EWI - Initial set 24
Johnstones Trade Paint
EWI - 10 KG/M2

Top Tips

Johnstones Trade Paint

Use clean water with every mix to prevent flash setting



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