Satin Woodstain

Satin Woodstain

Johnstone's Trade Woodworks Satin Woodstain has been specially formulated for smooth timber joinery, such as doors, windows, fascia boards, cladding and garden furniture, to provide a satin, microporous finish that highlights the natural grain of the wood. It is especially beneficial when used on exterior joinery (hardwood or softwood) but can also be used on interior wood and can be used as a maintenance coat over previously stained wood. Johnstone's Trade Woodworks Satin Woodstain has a BBA Approved 5-Year Guarantee when used as part of a system. For maximum protection on new, bare, and untreated wood, first apply a suitable wood preserver.

Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Planed timber
Plywood panels
Window frames
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
0.75ltr, 2.5ltr, 5ltr
Johnstones Trade Paint
Thousands available
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Solvent Based
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
14-16 sqm/l

Top Tips

Johnstones Trade Paint

Formulated for smooth timber joinery such as doors, windows, fascia boards, cladding and garden furniture.



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