Polyurethane Varnish

Polyurethane Varnish

Johnstone's Trade Woodworks Polyurethane Varnish is a traditional quality, tough and durable varnish for interior use on bare or previously treated, varnished timber. Suitable for use on doors, windows, furniture and all interior smooth-planed timber, our Woodworks Polyurethane Varnish gives tough protection and good resistance to abrasion and mild household chemicals. Available in clear gloss and clear satin, with a selection of colours available in 750ml gloss only, the product provides coverage of approximately 17 square metres per litre, depending on the nature and porosity of the timber, and is recoatable after 16-24 hours under normal drying conditions.

Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
Planed timber
Plywood panels
Window frames
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
0.75ltr, 2.5ltr, 5ltr
Johnstones Trade Paint
Range of colours
Johnstones Trade Paint
Gloss, Satin
Johnstones Trade Paint
Solvent Based
Johnstones Trade Paint
Johnstones Trade Paint
17 sqm/l

Top Tips

Johnstones Trade Paint

Ideal use with All Purpose Preserver.



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